Anonymous Released 3 How To Hack Guides Against ISIS

Anonymous recently released 3 books on Hacking, literally we can call them guides after the attack on paris

1)      Noob Guide
2)      Reporter Guide
3)      Searcher Guide

The Noob Guide:  It explains everything about hacking, how to hack, what kind of tools should be used to hack, how to crack a password, use of VPN, proxy, tor , DDOS, Wifi Deauth and various other hacking terms,   This is the best Guide for Beginners who want to learn hacking. Anyone can get a brief picture of ways of hacking by reading this book

This is from Noob Guide

Reporter Guide: It covers launching a reporter bit against a list of twitter account ID’s for discovering, reporting, and taking down ISIS- related accounts

Twitter Reporter  >>>
Primary Targets   >>>
Python Language   >>>
Splinter Module   >>>

The bot has been modified to report account IDs rather than usernames.
This allows the retainment of users who change their usernames often.
Make sure that your connection is protected, preferably using a VPN.

This tutorial will NOT work on Mac OS X due to incompatibility.

1.        Create an anonymous twitter account (unrelated to your identity).

2.        Download the Twitter Reporter (save as and the Primary Targets as raw text, and place both on your Desktop. Windows users should also download Python. Link at the top.

3.       Install the Splinter module. Link can be found above (supports Python 2.5 — 2.7 only).

4.       Open Terminal (or CMD on Windows) and type (without quotes) "cd Desktop"

5.       Type the following command and replace TWITTER with your own anonymous twitter username.
                                    "python -u TWITTER -i 5K.txt"
6.       Enter your anonymous twitter credentials.

                       Check It Out 

Searcher Guide: It shows how people can help anonymous find more ISIS websites/pages and other ISIS related information.

This Is from Searcher Guide
This is an instructable on using the correct search terms to find ISIS-related links. If you follow it correctly and verify that the sites you have found are related to ISIS, please submit them, thx!
1.       Get Python at  unless you already have it (Mac does)
2.      Open Terminal (or Command Prompt for Windows) and type (without quotes) "python"
3.       Now, this step requires a little explanation. Let's set this out neatly, shall we...
·         Copy the contents of the following link to your clipboard
• The contents of that link are some search terms that relate to ISIS and their content, following you to narrow down the results to specific ones.
            • Paste the strings into the Terminal and press Enter
4.      Choose a couple of strings (3 recommended) from the list of strings. For this example we will use strings 3+38+46
5.      Once chosen, continue in terminal (without quotes) "print(str3+str38+str42)" and copy the results
6.      Paste the results in  and analyze the new results. To translate pages, it is recommended to use Google Chrome, which has integrated translation
7.      Submit any valid ones to one of the channel operators and we will deal with the info accordingly

              Check It Out 

CloudFlare is Accused by Anonymous of Helping ISIS

Anonymous Cyber Attack On ISIS And What Can Anonymous Do Against ISIS

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